(KIT) Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Lauren Ciancio Facilitating Innovation The innovation landscape has fundamentally shifted, presenting new challenges for companies. Shortened technology lifecycles, increased complexity, and rising R&D costs have forced businesses to look ...
(KIT) Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Michael Anger Opening Agora to Companies Higher Education Institutions and Alliances adopt Agora to facilitate their institutional transformation and boost R&I, but the platform’s full power could be unfolded by including external stakeholde...
(AMU) Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Andrzej Wójtowicz Agora as Software One of the ways to achieve the goals of the European Research Area is through the Agoras developed in the aUPaEU project . From a bird's eye view, providing a shared digital space for researchers, bus...
(POLITO) Polytechnic University of Turin, Sofia Beatrice Vercellone First set of Policy implications and recommendations The CATALISI project, together with its sister initiatives aUPaEU and Accelerate Future HEI, has undertaken a critical task: identifying key policy gaps and formulating recommendations aimed at the Eu...
(POLITO) Polytechnic University of Turin, Sofia Beatrice Vercellone What are sister projects If you've seen the term "sister projects" pop up in our communications lately, there is a reason. CATALISI, aUPaEU, and Accelerate Future HEI have been closely collaborating to boost our impact across...
(KIT) Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Michael Anger Open Science, Acceleration Services and Institutional Transformation Open Science is key to improving the quality of science. Promising greater transparency, reproducibility, avenues for collaboration and innovation, resource efficiency and many other advantages, Open ...
(UPC) aUPaEU, Jesus Alcober aUPaEU agoras The aUPaEU project is a groundbreaking initiative that aims to transform higher education institutions (HEIs) across Europe into dynamic hubs of innovation and knowledge exchange. Central to this miss...
(UPC) aUPaEU, Jesus Alcober Empowering Collaboration Our groundbreaking methodology, specifically tailored for the aUPaEU project and its mission to deploy acceleration services, revolves around a strategic approach aimed at bolstering user groups and u...
(UPC) aUPaEU, Jesus Alcober Acceleration Services Outcomes In the dynamic landscape of higher education, acceleration services have emerged as powerful catalysts for driving impactful and lasting institutional transformation. The intricate dance between susta...
(UPC) aUPaEU, Jesus Alcober Acceleration Services Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are at the forefront of knowledge creation, innovation, and societal impact. In an ever-evolving world, it is crucial for HEIs to undergo institutional transformat...